Hypothetical: If Prime Michael Jordan Was Playing At Your Local Arena For $10, Would You Buy A Ticket?

Interesting hypothetical for you. Let's hop in a time machine for a second. Let's say that prime Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls are in town playing at your local arena. Surely you'd love to go see him play. Getting to witness a once in a lifetime generational talent doing what he does best? Sounds amazing! But what's the catch? I probably have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to go see it right? It must be sooooooo expensive to get to witness greatness. Nope. 10 bucks. It will cost you $10 to watch prime Michael Jordan play basketball and give you a story that can last a lifetime. 70 years from now you'll tell your grandkids about the corner 3 Jordan buried as time expired. So does that all sound worth it to you? Well if the answer is yes then I have some good news for you…….

You basically have that opportunity TONIGHT by watching me play in Surviving Barstool. A lot of people call me "the greatest reality show competitor in not just Barstool history but maybe in the entire reality universe." They're not wrong I guess. 

And tonight you get a chance to watch me play the game I dominate for only $10. What a steal! Watching me play Survivor is like watching Jordan do layup lines. Like watching Picasso paint. Like watching Tiger drive. Don't miss out. 

Watch greatness at 8. 

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